Sunday, August 22, 2010

Seely Crawling up the stairs

Seely got adventurus and crawled up the stairs. When he got to the top he went right for Therons room and played with his toys. I only got him when he got to the top but you can still see that he is really smart.


Wow, Where does the time go...
Summer has been filled with camping trips, swimming, and lots and lots growth in the kids.
Seely has learned to crawl, say Mama when he wants something and Dada when he wants to play, he stands with the furniture or any thing that is standing still for more the 2 seconds. He is now nine and a half months old and ways 20lb 15oz, 29inches long at his last check on August 6th.
I will try to explain the summer fun as I post the pictures. So, here it goes...
Joe's Valley Reservoir with the Lovelands
We didn't have a hat for Seely
So Grandma gave her hat so his head wouldn't get burned.
Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Josie went with us and was a big help with the kids.
Seely was really comfortable on Daddies back.

Allosaurus Bones at the Cleveland-lloyd Dinosaur Quarry
All the Grandkids
Aunt Lori made them all matching shirts that had dinosaures on them.
Brothers sitting in Dads (Jason's) Float Tube.
So very adorable.
Susan's baby Jamie She is also adorable.
Calvin and Jessica haveing fun in Grassy lake.
Alot of the grandkids went swimming. I just didn't get pictures of them all.
Pictures @ Home
Seely when he first started to crawl.
He just pulles him self around with is armes even now he doesn't use his knees.
Theron fell asleep on the couch and that is the only time Kronk will get this close to him.
As soon as Theron started to wake up Kronk was gone.
Theron has had lots of fun playing in his pool in the backyard.
I even let Seely splash in some water.
There is water in the bottom of the exersauser.
No, he didn't get to drink it.
Camping with the Lovelands @ Scout Mountian
Jason and Seely taking a nap in the tent.
Camping at Scout mountian with the Lovelands.
We took Jeremy's Four-Wheeler camping and Theron wanted to go for a ride with Dad.
So Jason being well...Jason strapped Therons car seat to the back of the Four Wheeler.
When they got back Theron had Flowers for me. Jason told me that they were going down the trail and Theron yelled in Jason's ear "Stop Daddy, Stop!" So Jason's pulled over and Theron said "I want to get mommy those flowers". What a sweet boy.
July 24th Fireworks in the Driveway
Theron was excited
Seely didn't know what to think.
More Pictures at Home
I have been doing some Scrapbooking and had Seely in the pack n play and Theron thought it would be more fun to play in with Seely's toys then with his own. Seely was happy to share.

Theron Stood Seely up and that was the beginning of Seely Standing.
Just a cute picture of Seely tring to stand in the middle of the room.

Seely is always smiling expecially for the camra
There was crackers in the bottom of the exersauser so Seely climbed in to eat.
He loves food.
Fast Trip to Ceder City
Mom and Dad went to Ceder City for their Shakespear Vacation.
Well the rear differential went out on them and so Jason and I took my cousins car to them and brought the van back so Jason could fix it. At least Mom, Dad, Vicky, Vernon, and Grandma Loveland still had fun.
Here is the van with the differential out while Jason was fixing it.
More Pictures @ Home
Cute picture of Seely playing with the basket that I put his toys in.
I thought it would be cute to put Seely in the basket and of couse he smiled.
Cowboy Seely in his wrangler Jeans.
I came home from a primary activity to find Jason and Seely Crashed out on the couch.
I just thought it was cute.